If you remember, I posted here a while back about the short story contest Infuze Magazine was running. Well, the top ten made it into their anthology which is now available. It even looks cool. Here's how the announcement read in Infuze's weekly newsletter, which I'm quoting because it names Mike Snyder's story as a reader favorite. Which, of course, we already knew.
Forty nominees were chosen. Twenty finalists (ten short stories, ten poems) were voted on by you, Infuze Magazine's readers. And now, our first-ever printed anthology is finally here.
Inside, you'll find reader favorites like Michael Snyder's ingenius short story "My Name Is Russell Fink" and Marcia Lee Laycock's clever "Simile at Starbucks." Plus, we threw in a special bonus: "Super," the 9-page comic book by yours truly and artist Tim Bates.
If that weren't enough, Bethany House Publishers has been kind enough to let us include an excerpt from Relentless, my upcoming first novel. The entire first chapter is included, and this is your first look at it anywhere (and if you read Prodigy, here's your chance to get a taste of what it's become).
And all proceeds go into building the future of Infuze.
You can order it here.
I'm having a great time here at your site, Jennifer! I took your advice and clicked on all your friends' sites in the sidebar. Feel like I just stumbled into the world of the Smart People. I'm enjoying myself immensely, bookmarking and reading, and reading and reading! Thank you!
Glad you're enjoying it. Of course, this blog tends to the silly more than the smart ... But us moms gotta keep our brains from atrophying, so the smart blogs are good for that. :)
Sounds really cool. Thanks for letting us know.
Wow, thanks Jen. I get more publicity here than on my own site (because I happen to be the lamest of bloggers!)
That said, I promise to give you 10% of every dime I make on the Infuze Anthology! (I can only hope that you guys are independently wealthy.)
Seriously, there are some really good stories featured there (nope, not talking about mine) if you are so inclinded. And poems too. (Authors don't get paid, but all profits will go toward publishing more journas in the future...so don't forget to submit your own stories/poems to Infuze...)
Mike, you know I want at least 15% ... and an autograph.
Oh, and the Lear Jet is yours anytime you want to borrow it.
Cool, book the lear jet...Peter and I need to get to a Van Halen concert...
I just remembered that musicians and private planes have a bad track record.
Besides, I think I need to visit a spa. Need a manicure. Any of you girls want to join me?
Hey girl, you got a Lear Jet? man! Just think of all the trouble we could've been getting into! And instead we drive? It's time to go international!
Abundant blessings!
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