Monday, October 23, 2006

Leslie and Russell at Scenes and Beans

If you’re a Russell Fink fan (and, really, who isn’t?) hop over to Scenes and Beans, and see how he and Leslie meet up. Leave a comment if you’re so inclined.

The fun thing about this post was that Mike and I actually got to write it together in Dallas instead of e-mailing copies back and forth. It’s always interesting writing with a partner. Everyone has his or her own way of coming up with ideas and putting them down on paper, so even though we’ve been crit partners for a year, I wasn’t sure how that would translate into actually writing together.

I should have known. We only disagreed on one point (which I let him win) and had way too much fun writing together . . . and honestly, I had no idea what to expect when he e-mailed me the final file after I got home. We were getting pretty silly at the end. But it turned out so much better than anything we would have written separately.

And guess what? Apparently you can say dog poop in the CBA.

. . .


~michelle pendergrass said...

I just hate not knowing what's gonna happen. I like to be in the know.

Jennifer Crosswhite said...

Did you read the Infuze version of "My Name is Russell Fink"? We got the idea from there. With some modifications. But part two will run tomorrow.

Heather said...

This is the first time I read a scenes and beans story, and I NEED to know about the gunshot.

nate said...

Writing with a partner is so interesting. It's a lot of fun to see what the other person is going to produce. Sometimes frustrating, but always, always intriguing. :)

michael snyder said...

Actually, it was Jen's idea and she did most of the heavey lifting. She wrote the Leslie posts and was nice enough to use one of my characters and bring me along for the ride. I merely provided the comic relief, numerous distractions, and a couple of suggestions.

I'm hoping we can write a whole book together like that some day...she does all the work and I make jokes. And we both get paid. Hey, it's good work if you can get it.

Heather said...

If you get it, tell me how.

Jim Sanders said...

I loved the story. It goes to show that one should stay out of malls. You meet all kind of strange folks there. :)