Ronie Kendig tagged me with a new kind of meme, counting your blessings. I think this is a great idea. So often we get caught up with what's going on in our lives that we forget to see how truly blessed we are.
1. A friend who has blessed me: (there are so many...) Jenny for her unfailing support of me as my personal cheerleader.
2. An unexpected gift: our new house (yes, we're moving, more on that later.)
3. A kind word shared with me recently: Someone told me I had a beautiful voice.
4. Something that makes me stop and praise God: the Arizona sky at sunset during monsoon season
5. Something I'm looking forward to: Hanging out with you all at the ACFW conference
6. A particular part of me I'm pleased with: my sense of humor.
7. Something in my life that I wanted but never expected: the life I have now
8. A place that moved/moves me: I started to put the ocean, but I think a lightning storm off my back porch is right up there.
9. One thing/person that always makes me smile: my kids (of course, they make me pull my hair out too)
10. Most recent "love note" from God: In a post on one of the e-mail loops I'm on, someone mentioned a verse that God has used in the past to speak to me. It was like a little tap on the shoulder from God to remind me that He still knows what's going on and that all is not as it seems.
Wow, that was harder than I thought, mostly because a lot of things are hard to explain in a short sentence, or hard to narrow down to one.
Now it's your turn. I could pick some specific people like Jenny (because her blog is titled Abundant Blessings) or Mike (because he needs to update his blog) or Jeanne (because she talks about this stuff all the time on her blog) or Malia and Sabrina (because they've been blessings to me). But I'm thinking instead that anyone who wants to do this should. Leave a comment here when your top ten blessings are on your blog, and we'll all come visit and celebrate with you.
I like #5! LOL
Heather, you just want someone to run interference or hide with you. :D. That's okay, you can hide behind me. Or we could implement our evil plan . . .
That was fun! Here's mine:
Yeah, visit Diana's site. She says nice thing about me. :D
Great list!
Great list. Hurray for counting blessings! I will do this (probably tomorrow).
And I put this up before I saw your MA post today, Jeanne. Talk about blessings! If you all haven't yet, go check out the Master's Artist post for today. Link is on the right side of the blog.
I put up my list. Thank you Jen. I so needed the reminder. It's been a tought day.
Thanks, Jennifer, for reminding us to acknowledge God's blessings. He often doesn't get credit for surprising us with wonderful blessings.
My list will be posted on Tuesday. If I blogged everyday, I'd get nothing else done. ;)
I hope to meet you in person at ACFW in September.
Great list, girl! Guess I should do it too since Ronie tagged me. LOL! Ack...
So Dineen, you've been double tagged. Get to it, Girl!
I'll post mine on my blog Sunday. A good day to count my blessings.
And, Jen, you've been a great blessing to us, too.
Behind as usual, I just got my blog caught up with a promised interview and review for Tricia Goyer so, next Saturday, when I announce the winner of the drawing for her book, I'll post my answers to this meme.
I want to thank Jen for allowing me this opportunity to shamelessly plug my blog :-)(I only wanted to explain but rereading above sentences made me realize it is a plug and since I'm not changing it, it is shameless).
Back to the point, Jen, you've been such a blessing to me--friend and sister in Christ, web guru and a shoulder to cry on. You are the best, girlfriend and I'm so glad we got thrown together in our crit group. I'm proud of you and how far you've come in your writing. Love ya, kiddo. I'm blessed to call you friend.
Abundant blessings,
Wow, Jen! You are spreading this like wildfire!! i've read the posts from your commenters and it was so thrilling to read how God's working and the blessings in each other's lives. I'm so glad about this.
Oh--and soo glad someone tagged Camy. :-D It was my regret. LOLOL
Hey! You better believe I'm hiding behind you!! Hey! technically you're my boss... I can blame all on you!! :o)
Evil plan... sheesh woman going around telling people we have an evil plan!! :o)
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